Student Spotlight - Jody

If you have ever met Jody at the studios then you know, she is an absolute joy to be around and she loves the yoga! Here is her story of how she got to where she is now and how the yoga has helped get her here.


Before I began practicing Bikram Yoga, my life looked very different. I now live in a wondrous world of joy but back then that wasn't the case. I lived in Northern California and was in the middle of going through some very challenging and life changing times. In hindsight, I see these times were all tremendous blessings, but when I was going through them I experienced a taxing toll on my mind, body and soul. I moved to Fresno where a dear friend encouraged me to come with her to a Bikram yoga class. She knew what I was going through and knew it would help. Boy did it ever. Now, I must confess, it took me 2 years to go to my first class after my friend encouraged me. I was afraid of the heat and intimidated that I'd never done yoga. But when I finally went... It was my saving grace. I healed in a very profound way on many levels. I don't think I would have come through what I did, how I did, without my practice. Coincidentally, as I began practicing Bikram I also began studying to receive my M.A. in Spiritual Psychology at the University of Santa Monica. The two together brought me to new levels of awareness that we truly are spiritual beings having a human experience and that our body is a blessing to travel the journey.

Bikram Yoga has connected my mind, body and soul, and created deeply fulfilling change and growth on every level. From my Practice, I am discovering and getting to know myself and my body in ways I never imagined possible. Bikram is not simply a physical sport; it is a gift to bring balance and harmony while offering a great way to stay in shape. My Bikram practice has helped me to lose 53 pounds and bring my body more fully into balance. Even though Bikram Yoga can be challenging and there are times in the room that I am being pushed to my limit, I find NOT doing Bikram to be more of a challenge. In my off times from practicing, even though I was still working out in other ways, I have found my self out of sorts, off and feeling rather miserable. With my commitment to regular practice, I am able to clear my mind and connect with my heart in a way that flows into my everyday life and that brings me such joy.

Bikram yoga has healed my mind body and soul and continues to do so every time I practice. I have so much gratitude for my practice. It has given me back to myself. I have learned so much about who I am. I have become stronger, both physically and mentally. What happens for me at the studio is healing, releasing and growing in ways that impact me in every aspect of my life. From my Bikram practice I have cultivated gentleness, patience, kindness, clarity, devotion and dedication to myself. I have deepened my awareness of the body as a temple and treat my body and myself kindly with thoughts and actions. This is huge for me since I have a past of being REALLY hard on myself. I have awakened to a new way of being and for that I am thankful.

My encouragement to new students is: "You can do it! Give yourself one of the best gifts you ever could and begin your Bikram practice. When it gets challenging, keep coming! It's worth it! You're surrounded by a community of love and support. We're all in this together. "

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."